It has been a busy month here; 3 of our Solicitors Sarah, Stephen and John with the assistance of their teams, have been working tirelessly to relinquish many owners from their Timeshare contracts, and are now fighting with the Financial Ombudsman to ensure that every penny of their deserved compensation is recovered.
In fact, in the last month alone, we have seen several of our clients’ relinquishment dreams come true! These have been at Diamond Resorts International, Paradise Kings Club in Cyprus, Sunset Beach Club in Spain, and Pergola Hotel based in Malta, to name but a few. Adding to the numbers already relinquished
All our cases are run on an individual basis, and so the merits of each will depend solely on your own personal circumstances and experiences. However, we have pretty much seen it all, and time and time again we see individuals coming to us with the same issues, and even the same unlawful sales tactics being used at the point of purchase. This has enabled us to see some even greater successes in recent weeks, against the Timeshare Companies.
However, it is not just the Timeshare companies we are fighting. As some of you will know we have also been assisting the Police who are working with Interpol, and Trading Standards, in a bid to tackle the rogue Timeshare relinquishment firms who are cold-calling our clients and enticing them to part with thousands of pounds.
In fact, recently we got the chance to hear the sales patter for ourselves when one timeshare relinquishment firm called a member of our staff (who wasn’t a timeshare owner, yet was being told that they were!). It is incredible to hear the lengths to which the salespeople go to, and it is no wonder why hundreds of people have fallen victim to this type of scam. At one point they even stated that they had recovered over £4million in compensation for their clients when we asked them how and under what circumstances they were not able to verify this figure! Needless to say, arrests have already been made in connection with this company. These people are incredibly convincing salespeople.
There are two main sales tactics these firms are currently using. The first outlines a new Spanish Supreme Court Ruling. Using this ruling as a ploy to get you to sign up with their company, often paying tens of thousands of pounds. Once you are signed up they will lodge the complaints with the Spanish courts, only for you to join the waiting list which in some cases can be a number of years! If/when the claim ever does get to be heard at the court, the judge will undoubtedly find an issue with the paperwork (as this has been filed by non-legal professionals, i.e. non-solicitors) which will result in further delays.
Another tactic we have heard about involves these companies claiming that they have successfully relinquished you, only for you to continue to receive yearly maintenance fee bills. This is because the owners have not in fact been relinquished. In some cases, the relinquishment company have never even communicated with the Timeshare Company in question!
If you have fallen victim to a Timeshare relinquishment company like this, or you would like to find out which firms can be trusted be sure to speak to a member of our team as soon as possible. Our own investigations have led us to uncover over 120 different scam companies operating within the UK and Spain, which means we can quickly identify if a firm should be trusted or not. New rogue companies are popping up every day. Please do not engage with a firm who are not authorised and regulated by the SRA. If you think you have been scammed, please contact us as soon as possible, we can identify this and offer you the best course of action to try to get your money back.
In addition to this, if you are a Timeshare owner, and you are looking to relinquish your contract legally, and stop paying the dreaded yearly maintenance fees for good, we can help you today. Our proven successful track record gives you the best chance of relinquishment, and at an early stage, we can identify if you would be eligible to claim compensation too. Upon instruction, we will also be able to ensure that you no longer pay the maintenance fees and begin the process to rid yourselves of the yearly burden. Speak to a member of our team today and we will be able to advise you on the best route for legally cancelling your Timeshare.
Do not fall into the trap of putting this off until you have had this year’s holidays, this will work against your case. Contact us today for us to start the complex legal work required if you already have holidays booked at the Timeshare resort we can serve the paperwork to the Timeshare company on your return.
Remember this type of legal work is extremely complex and all our of Solicitors are experts in this area of law, ask your self would you go to your local bakers and ask them to cut your hair?
For more information please contact us on 01924 675 039 or email us at [email protected].