In the world of timeshares, there are several companies out there who are mis-selling you the ability to get out of your lengthy contract. However, individuals who are desperate to get out of their contract may forget the aspect of safety and choose to work with a company who claims that they are able to deal with problem quickly and effectively, when really, they are just looking for money. We are here to tackle these problems!
Where Do These Scams Originate From?
Timeshare selling scams originate from a cold call, meaning that someone will call you up and promote a service which isn’t always legitimate and truthful. When we look at the prospects of cold calling, these organisations don’t exactly achieve much and even if they think they are getting somewhere, the outcome may not be so great for them.
Most of these companies that will ‘claim’ to be giving you genuine advice, are in fact other Timeshare companies, ex Timeshare sales people or are funded by the Timeshare companies themselves. One of the main problems with these organisations is that they can become very forceful and aggressive when trying to sell something to people – making them feel slightly intimidated or threatened and feel like they must invest in the proposed service.
Organisations that involve themselves in Timeshare Selling Scams are clever in the way that they approach possible clients, they may have promised to buy you out of your timeshare or secure your release out of the timeshare, but what many people don’t realise is that this can often lead to further disappointment. Even though you may be under the impression that these people are doing their best to help you, in reality you are simply just adding to the despair and frustration that you are currently experiencing.
How to Avoid Timeshare Scams
Timeshare Scams have increased in recent years. If you already have a timeshare and are hoping to get out, you could be vulnerable and at a higher risk of being scammed. It is important to get clued up on how this can be avoided. Some of the main methods that scammers will use include: cold calling, on the street timeshare sales and misrepresentation.
It is important to note that we will never cold call you, along with many other officially registered companies, so if you ever receive a call from a company allegedly selling you a service which will get you out of your timeshare, either just say you aren’t interested or do your research before agreeing. When you suggest that this solution doesn’t appeal to you, these companies have a reputation of becoming quite assertive and forceful so if you have not requested the call, then put the phone down immediately and do not engage in further contact.
How Sarah Waddington Legal Can Help You
We pride ourselves on ensuring we deliver a professional service that our customers are satisfied with. Ensuring that you are offered secure trusted advice from an early stage is vital when dealing with and choosing a company to work with or buy from. You should always be thorough with anyone you choose to help you, whether that means asking several questions or doing some research before you commit, this is very important.
Contact Us Today
At Sarah Waddington Legal, we are here to help. Contact us Today by calling us direct on 951 247 211 or emailing us on [email protected]. Alternatively, send us a message and one of our timeshare experts will be in touch with you shortly.